Saturday, March 27, 2010

March 29th - April 2nd

Grade 11

It has been a good start to history thus far. We are looking to keep this momentum going into this coming week. We will be looking at the battles of the first world war. As a reminder, these notes are a outline of what is covered in class, but the notes used in class.

Monday: Ypres, Somme, Vimy Ridge: Who was involved? where did these battles take place? how did Canadian affect the battles?
Click here for the propaganda assignment

Tuesday: Library: We will be working on propaganda poster----> Here is the link for Ms. Clark's propaganda wiki ----> Homework: work on your propaganda poster, make sure it is original!

Wednesday: Library We will be working on propaganda posters

Thursday: A deeper look at Vimy: What was the final outcome? why was Vimy Ridge considered a defining moment for Canadians? What was the battle of Passchendaele? Who are the people involved?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 22nd - 26th

Grade 11

Monday: First Nations: a changing Canada: What are residential schools? was is the federal Indian Act, Why is this prevalent to us today? Homework ---> questions 1, 3, 5, 6 page 18 in your text

Tuesday: Urbanization: A review of concepts went over in human geography, how urbanization changed Canada from 1900's

Wednesday: War and Change: What factors led to the World War 1, How do actions in Europe affect Canada? Homework ---> Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Britain as the Prime Minister of Canada outlining the your reasons to EITHER join the war, or not join the war. Underline your thesis.

Friday: Canada's response to the War: How did Canada react to the news of War? Who were the major players?

Grade 8's

Monday: Revision of test material: Test, binder check, homework ---> letter from your travels with your partner

Tuesday: Introduction to India: the meeting of Cultures

Wednesday: Flowering of Chinese Civilization: Homework --> Keep working on your letter to Mr St. Laurent from an Islamic country or countries of your choice (the more information the better) feel free to include pictures or what you have done during your time there

Thursday: Mongol and Ming Empires in China:

Friday: Presentation day: Presentation of research: (Explained in detail Monday)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 15-19th

Welcome back from your Spring break!!!

I hope that everyone is rested and ready to get back into the swing of things again. There has been an unfortunate delay not allowing me to put up the slides for the week. I will have this fixed Monday morning. See you tomorrow!

Grade 11's

I have moved your test from Monday to Wednesday. I have done so to give you time to work on your final project in the library. This time is to be used for rehearsal and final touch ups on your United Nations project. I will be available for any questions that you may have.

Monday: Work in the computer lab, make sure that you have your section of the presentation perfected! MAKE SURE TO DRESS PROFESSIONALLY!!

Tuesday: THE UN CONFERENCE DAY! (With Guest judges Mr. Jones, Mr Aw-Yong, Mr Benoy)

Wednesday: Final Geography examination

Thursday: A different Canada: Has Canada been the same way for ever? How has it changed? What are the factors that lead to a change.

Friday: Canada's Changing Population: How did Canada change its population base? was this a must? What factors lead to a population increase. Where did the immigrants come from

Grade 8's

We will be starting a unit on the Byzantine empire. We will start tomorrow off with a look into Islamic civilizations. Reading ahead is never a bad idea.

See you tomorrow

Monday: Byzantine Empire: Introduction to the byzantine empire, who was involved? how did it fall

Tuesday: An introduction to Islam: Video, supplemental questions to follow

Wednesday: Emergence of Islam: Who was involved? how did it emerge? is it still significant today.

Thursday: Islamic Prosperity: how did Islam prosper? what factors were involved? Is it still prospering today

Friday: Review of Islam: Where is Islam today, what type of impact it Islam having globally? who are the important figures in Islamic society, What is the call to prayer?