Saturday, February 27, 2010

March 1st-5th

March 1st - 5th


Great job last week on your quests. Most people did quite well. These strong marks will be important heading into your final two weeks of the human geography unit. There will be a unit test on Monday March 15th. This will cover all the material that we have gone over thus far.

Here is the link to your group assignment: UN conference

Here is the plan for the week:

Monday: Environment: What are some of the current problems that we face? How are humans impacting the environment. What does the future hold for us?

Tuesday: We will be in the library. This time is for your group to meet and work on your UN conference project.

Wednesday: '' ''

Thursday: Soils and Agriculture of the world: How do we get our food? how do we know what we are eating? What is in our food? Watch the movie "food inc"

Friday: Finish the video, go over the question sheet, and also have a review before your unit test on Monday after the break.


March 1st - 5th

Well this week went quite well for both classes of grade 8's. I will give back your test, as soon as the final person writes the test. This week we will continue to study Constantine and the fall of the Roman empire.

Monday: We will be watching a video about the fall of the Roman empire. There will be a question sheet that we will use to supplement the video.

Tuesday: What would it be like to be part of the Roman Army? What are centuries? What is a centurion? Who was the Legate? What is a legion?

Wednesday: Collapse of the Empire: Who are the German tribes? why are they important? Who invaded the Roman empire and why?

Thursday: The Fall of Rome: What are the factors that lead to the eventual fall of Rome? what does economic, social and political mean? why are these considered factors of the fall?

Friday: Chapter test: Finish watching the movie on Constantine: question sheet to be handed out during movie

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 23-26

Social Studies 11

Well we have about 2 weeks left in our human geography unit. I will make sure that I get you the outline for your final unit project on Tuesday so you can start thinking about what you are going to choose to do. I have decided to make the groups myself and will let you know what they are on Tuesday. Here is the powerpoint slides for the coming week.

Tuesday: Economic Development: Disparity, money sector, non-money sector, classifying economic activities. Homework --> Page 387 questions 1-3

Wednesday: Core and Periphery: What are they, why do we use these terms, are they advantages to both? which is better to live in? Homework--> What are 3 pros and cons of living in the periphery, and core?

Thursday: Changing Economies: How do they change, what are the called in the different stages of change? where is Canada today?

Friday: Helping the Periphery: Why does the Periphery need help? how do we help the periphery? what role does the government have in helping the periphery

Social Studies 8

We had a decent first week, for some of you this week will be a much needed change of pace to have left the geography section in the dust. We will continue to build on the momentum which we had at the end of last week. Here are the powerpoint slides, this will set the tone for the week.

Tuesday: Geography unit test: This test should take up most of the class, I will have a unit overview ready for those who finish early.

Wednesday: Introduction to Art and Architecture: We will visit the relationship between Greek and Roman architecture, as well as the Technology and Science portion of early Roman Culture. Homework --> questions 2,3,6 in Patterns of Civilizations (page 6).

Thursday: The Rise of Christianity: Who was Jesus, what does he have to do with Christianity, why was he so popular? Homework--> Patterns of Civilization page 10 question 1) Gospels, Peter, Paul ... 2) Martyr, Messiah... questions 3) and 6. Due Friday morning

Friday: Breakdown of Unity: What is breaking down? who is involved? what factors lead to a breakdown?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Social Studies 11

Yet again another great week of classes!! We have been moving fairly quickly, if you have any questions about the material, please do not hesitate to ask me questions. I am willing to spend extra time to allow for the material to become clear.

For this coming week, we will study urbanization, and the shift from rural to urban. Have a great weekend.

Monday: Function and formation of the modern city: Push/pull factors, early functions of a city, site and situation, and locational advantage. Homework --> Identify three push and three pull factors that encourage movement from rural to urban. Identify one aspect of location that has been most detrimental to the growth of North Vancouver.

Tuesday: City formations: Political/Religious cities, the organic city, the planned city, the transit city, the automobile city.

Wednesday: Land uses in cities: Industrial, residential, commercial, transportation, institutional, and other. Homework --> read pages 384-388 in your textbook

Thursday: Economic Development: Disparity, money sector, non-money sector, classifying economic activities.

Friday: Core and Periphery: What are they, why do you we use these terms? are their advantages of both?

Social Studies 8

Welcome to my blog... I am looking forward to having you in my class. As you can tell from above I will post my powerpoint slides online for you to look at and print off. This will help you follow along and take notes.

Monday: Grid mapping, test results, and binder check!!

Tuesday: Longitude and Latitude What is it? Why is it important? What does it look like on a map? Homework --> write a paragraph about yourself. What do you want me to know about yourself?

Wednesday: Map of Canada: We all know what Canada looks like on a map? so why do we care? Why do I need to know where Ontario is? Homework --> Map of Canada needs to be completed

Thursday: Time Zones: Does Canada use the same time all over the country? If it is 3 p.m. in Toronto what time is it in Vancouver?

Friday: World Map: Continents and Oceans Where are these Oceans? what are the continents? which continent is India located on?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Social Studies 11 February 8th-12th

Congratulations on a great first week of the new semester. I have enjoyed the classes that we have had thus far, and continue to look for the same type of effort shown in the first week. Thank you for your informational paragraph. I learned a lot about all of you. We have a very diverse class with many different backgrounds. I was also quite pleased with the quest results. Keep up the good work, it will show in your marks.

Here are the powerpoint slides for the coming week.

Monday: Position of women and children in a global context. A look at Armina's day, Education as power. Children in Crisis. Children at war. The working child. Homework-->See page 357 and answer questions 1, 2 (a+b).

Tuesday: The Health Crisis: Are we doing enough? Drinking water availability, Pandemics, HIV/AIDS, Foreign Aid. Homework --> read pages 362-363 and answer these questions: 1) Which side of the debate do you support, explain your answer? 2) What other rights would you add to Ignatieff's list for human rights?

Wednesday: Global Village: What is it? Ideas surrounding the global village, how it works, transportation networks, global ecosystems. There is no homework for today.

Thursday: A deeper look at the global village Global economy, What is globalization? How could it impact you? The changing face of globalization. Homework --> Describe the working conditions of the women featured in Hidden Face of Globalization --> which can be found on youtube. Remember to study for the quest tomorrow.

Friday: Urbanization: What are its implications? Urban vs Rural, Urbanization trends, 100 year trend. How do we cope? Homework --> page 371 questions 15-7 answer questions 1,2,3. Have a great weekend .