Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 23-26

Social Studies 11

Well we have about 2 weeks left in our human geography unit. I will make sure that I get you the outline for your final unit project on Tuesday so you can start thinking about what you are going to choose to do. I have decided to make the groups myself and will let you know what they are on Tuesday. Here is the powerpoint slides for the coming week.

Tuesday: Economic Development: Disparity, money sector, non-money sector, classifying economic activities. Homework --> Page 387 questions 1-3

Wednesday: Core and Periphery: What are they, why do we use these terms, are they advantages to both? which is better to live in? Homework--> What are 3 pros and cons of living in the periphery, and core?

Thursday: Changing Economies: How do they change, what are the called in the different stages of change? where is Canada today?

Friday: Helping the Periphery: Why does the Periphery need help? how do we help the periphery? what role does the government have in helping the periphery

Social Studies 8

We had a decent first week, for some of you this week will be a much needed change of pace to have left the geography section in the dust. We will continue to build on the momentum which we had at the end of last week. Here are the powerpoint slides, this will set the tone for the week.

Tuesday: Geography unit test: This test should take up most of the class, I will have a unit overview ready for those who finish early.

Wednesday: Introduction to Art and Architecture: We will visit the relationship between Greek and Roman architecture, as well as the Technology and Science portion of early Roman Culture. Homework --> questions 2,3,6 in Patterns of Civilizations (page 6).

Thursday: The Rise of Christianity: Who was Jesus, what does he have to do with Christianity, why was he so popular? Homework--> Patterns of Civilization page 10 question 1) Gospels, Peter, Paul ... 2) Martyr, Messiah... questions 3) and 6. Due Friday morning

Friday: Breakdown of Unity: What is breaking down? who is involved? what factors lead to a breakdown?