Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 19-24th

Grade 11

I just wanted to say thank you once again for being a wonderful class. The card that you had created for me was something that I will always remember. Unfortunately it was inevitable that this class would come to an end, and what a way to go out!

I will always remember this class!

please check Mr. Benoy's blog at: kjbenoy.blogspot.com

Grade 10 planning: You will be in the library working on your projects this week. look for lesson plans to be posted for Monday next week April 26th.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grade 11 Social Studies

We have now moved passed world war 1 and are heading towards Canadian life in the early 1920's and 1930's. Keep up the hard work this week. You will have a quest on Friday.

Here are the outline of the notes for the week

Monday: Treaty of Versailles: who were the major players? What was the outcome? What was the German Response? Homework ----> page 47: 3, 4, 5, and 10 a. these will be taken in and giving marks.

Tuesday: Impact of the Armistice on Canadians: What was the League of Nations? who's idea was the league? What was the Spanish Flu? For the library assignment sheet click here

Wednesday: Canada during the 1920's: What were working conditions like in the 20's? What was the OBU? Why was Winnipeg important during the 20's? New Library task Click here

Thursday: New Challenges to Federalism: Canada was changing politically, who were the major players? was their a new party involved? who was going to be then next Prime Minister? Homework --> Page 51 questions: 1 , 2b, 4

Friday: Quest: The Economy Improves: The United States invests in Canada, the moral turns around.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 6th-9th

Grade 11 Social Studies

Welcome back from Easter break. I hope that everyone was safe, and used their time wisely during the break. As you know we are going to have our poster presentations on Wednesday. This should be a great showcase for all of your hard work. Here is the outline of the notes for the week. As a reminder these notes are the skeletal version of what you would actually see in the classroom.

Tuesday: Propaganda poster: This is your last day to finish it. The presentation of the posters will be on Wednesday. I will not be questing you tomorrow due to the fact that we have people away. Expect a quest on Friday.

Wednesday:Presentation of posters/gallery tour you will be giving a short speech as to why your poster is propaganda, and why you chose to use the specific propaganda you did? Second portion of the class will be used for note taking.
War in the air: What is an ace, why were they important figures in Canadian history? Homework:-----> Page 39: questions 1,3,5

Thursday: The War at Home: What was happening in Canada? what was the reaction to the war efforts? what was the feeling of public opinion?

Friday: Quest, Propaganda and Conscription Crisis: What is Conscription? why is it important to World War 1? How was Propaganda as a tool for the government?