Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grade 11 Social Studies

We have now moved passed world war 1 and are heading towards Canadian life in the early 1920's and 1930's. Keep up the hard work this week. You will have a quest on Friday.

Here are the outline of the notes for the week

Monday: Treaty of Versailles: who were the major players? What was the outcome? What was the German Response? Homework ----> page 47: 3, 4, 5, and 10 a. these will be taken in and giving marks.

Tuesday: Impact of the Armistice on Canadians: What was the League of Nations? who's idea was the league? What was the Spanish Flu? For the library assignment sheet click here

Wednesday: Canada during the 1920's: What were working conditions like in the 20's? What was the OBU? Why was Winnipeg important during the 20's? New Library task Click here

Thursday: New Challenges to Federalism: Canada was changing politically, who were the major players? was their a new party involved? who was going to be then next Prime Minister? Homework --> Page 51 questions: 1 , 2b, 4

Friday: Quest: The Economy Improves: The United States invests in Canada, the moral turns around.